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Rabu, 09 Januari 2013



I learn English in different ways and different sources. when I was in school, I learned with teachers, friends, and of course English books or dictionaries. if I am outside the school, I learned from movies, western, western music, and others.

1. dictionary
dictionary is a guide book to learn English, I often use it when aa vocabulary is difficult to decipher, I use the dictionary to learn English.

2. western movies
Western films are frequently aired on television facilitate me learn English, because it contained the translation. with that I would be able to listen or remember the words that were filmed there, and easier for me to better understand the English language.

3. listen to western music
I often listen to western music, if the music was interesting I will look for the meaning of the song, and it's easier for me to remember vocabulary in learning English. music I listen to bands like One Direction, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, and others.

internet is my best friend everyday, without which I can not browse, social media, downloading. and because most of the internet using the English language, and it made me want to learn more so I am always browsing or translate difficult words on the internet.

5. read
as a student I should be able to read, of course, and if given the task by my teacher will be gunning for reading and practicing so he could English, reading is the only one to train visual person speaks English.

 6. Typing a Short Paragraph in English
If you going to study English at your desk, begin by typing a simple paragraph in English. You can type about your day, your hobbies, your friends, etc. Anything will do. Typing helps activate the kinetic part of your brain that helps improve learning through physical activity. I also recommend typing while you study your English grammar. This will help solidify your knowledge with movement. 

7. Activating Your Grammar
Activate your grammar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study. For example, if you are going to study English grammar focusing on the past, stop to think about what you did last weekend, where you went, etc. to help activate what you already understand about using the past. As with activating vocabulary, you'll help your brain bring up what it knows about the past simple in an easy way before you begin to focus on studying English grammar in detail.
8. playing Game
 In addition to playing the game also means education can increase knowledge especially english seek game containing English than we can find a new language by playing games we can hone your intelligence.
9. A Thousand Words ...
As the saying goes in English: A picture is worth a thousand words. Help activate the creative side of your brain by trying to describe a photo or other image. You can combine use this also to activate your vocabulary by choosing a picture that has something to do with the subject your are going to study in English.
thank you for reading this post. this post is my own, and some have a copy posted another source: (
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1 komentar:

  1. Hi Diah !
    I liked your journey to learning the English language and also because, the writing was in blogging there are many unique and exciting events to be read by others, and why I so love this story because there are events I've ever felt in my journey in learning english
